Tuesday, September 30, 2014

I'm With Manipulated

I'm With Manipulated
I should start by saying that I do not call my readers unintelligent. If I thought they were stupid, I wouldn't struggle to share my most sophisticated thoughts with them. Anyone who truly thought they were stupid would lie to them, expecting them to fall for lies. Who lied to you again? Maybe they're the same ones who want you to think that I think you're stupid.

I've spoken of the harm that has been visited on me for merely sharing my work on the internet. A time of my life when I wrote hit songs and popular humor should have been filled with joy but was instead turned into a nightmare so ghastly that I can only remember it in fragments as I inadvertently reconstruct my past works. But the harm I've suffered is not limited to the all the starvation and pestilence I endured from others taking my royalties money and spending it on my destruction. Nor is it limited to the damage to my image and reputation they caused, which went on unchecked for so long that it has left schoolchildren with the habit of insulting me when they see me in the street. The worst harm they caused me with their crime was to spoil my faith in humanity's love.

Think of what I've been through. The TV practically stole my whole personality and used it against me. The radio stole some of the finest works of my heart. That's pretty traumatic. Does anyone come forward now to offer any sort of comfort or compensation? If they had, I wouldn't be questioning humanity's love.

Do you love your favorite bands? Why do you love them? Because of their music or because of their fame? Look at all the fans of my music around the world. Am I supposed to believe they love me after they threw those hate parties to honor the chief offender in the crimes against me? Why can't they love me right now? Is it because I'm not on the TV? Is it because I'm not rich? Well, what did they ever love about me then? Certainly not my music or writing.

If you're going to leave a guy like me to walk around like a corpse among the living after you put out so much for the monsters who stole my life-work, I don't think you are capable of love. And whatever you think you feel for your children is essentially self-love. If you need those criminal assholes on TV to accept me before you love me, I don't want your love. Frankly, if that's the case, I think your love is worthless.

The cruelest doubts that were placed in my mind were aimed at romantic love. They accomplished this by sending beautiful, irresistible women to lure me into traps. They have done this to me so many times that I have been forced to shun all advances from women, cutting myself off from a lot of potential pleasure. Not a very nice way to pay an artist for his beautiful songs.
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© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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