Saturday, September 13, 2014

More about Beyonce

More about Beyonce
Before anyone gets on my case for erasing Under My Umbrella in early 2008, let's talk about why the song was even written in the first place. As I tried to say in my new lyrics, people had stolen my works from the previous year and stirred up a lot of hate against me. I knew that I was innocent and that if I simply expressed my gentle side, I could subdue this angry mob, for as it says in Proverbs: A gentle answer turnth away wrath. So I poured all of my heartbreak into a new song and shared it. I was not expecting love, I was just hoping to curb hate.

I only had the song for about a week when I decided that I should try to write something else. No one told me they liked it and I had no views on my page to support it. Its style was outside my genre. I have a lot of songs and I can't remember them all consciously. Out of curiosity, however, I did look around the web when I took it offline and I found Beyonce's YouTube page. She had posted her video of this song on the same day I erased it from YouTube. I did not know about flagging back then, so if I caught someone with my property, I'd just leave a comment on their page to let them know I caught them. What they decided to do after that was their decision.

Some people in this business are too arrogant. Let's examine this a little more. If a rock musician writes a pop hit, he will probably not move forward with it. As such, he would gladly SELL the song and its rights to anyone who wants it for a bargain price. Look at how much money Beyonce made with my song. And the business couldn't even fork out a measly few thousand dollars to buy it from me legally. We can extend this to my scripts. I have no desire to be a comedian. And look at how much money the TV has made from my comedy scripts in the last seven years. I would have gladly sold my scripts to any TV show that wanted them for a bargain price. But instead TV shows wanted to steal my work and pass it off as their own, thinking no one would ever believe my claims against them. Arrogance is so stupid.

Under My Umbrella is my broken heart. I make no secret of the fact that I like soft acoustic music. But if I would have made it on this song, it would have conflicted with the success I'd had with my rock music in the previous year. It may have even closed the door to any possibility that the fraud committed by bands like the Crystalids could ever be exposed.

I think it's silly, after all the success people have had with my work, that I am left alone to point out that I have a gift for composing. Beyonce has a sensational voice, but it took my well written song to help her present her voice to the world in an effective way. Her own songs do not let her voice shine the way my song does. It's too bad that singers like Beyonce and authors like myself can't simply collaborate and pool our talents. But aside from her arrogance, the TV has turned me into such a pariah by gambling on fraud with my scripts that I can't even sit comfortably with the down-and-outers in the drop-in, let alone socialize on YouTube.

My memories of my past works have been restored through all the reconstructed songs and scripts I've completed in the last four years. That's why I couldn't recall authoring Under My Umbrella until now. Fans of the song can still enjoy it at home, but the TV and radio must stop playing it now and the internet must remove all videos of it. They've had it for six years. That's long enough.
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© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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