Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Closing Words on Iraq

Closing Words on Iraq
Maybe the Iraq War is over for my callous critics but I'm still stuck fighting it. It was my righteous opposition to that war that turned the whole world against me in the first place. Sheer momentum has kept this destructive tidal wave going all the way to the miserable present.

All the same, I'd like to move on from the topic. I hope I've established a criminal motive for the crimes committed against me by discussing it.

Before I move on, I should tell you why I opposed the Iraq War. I opposed it because Iraq had nothing to do with 911 and yet it was getting the blame for 911. I opposed it because I believed that America had no reason to attack Iraq. Only George W. Bush and Dick Cheney had reasons to attack Iraq. America was not threatened by Iraq, which is why I cited the example of World War Two as being, by contrast, a just war. The only American threatened by Saddam Hussein was George W. Bush. And his life was not threatened by Hussein, only his precious ego. Bush thought Hussein made his father look like a wimp by holding onto power after the liberation of Kuwait, a military action I fully supported. And Cheney wanted to get his hands on those oil wells. Should the whole damn country get dragged into a war over the personal positions of two men? I think that Bush and Cheney and Hussein should have settled this dispute among themselves and left the rest of us out of it, especially me.
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