Thursday, September 11, 2014

Yours Truly

Yours Truly
No change in my living conditions after that last post. What a hopeless predicament. You can see how I was driven insane by this treatment in 2007. It doesn't get any more hopeless than when you are forced to bash the people who can help you. And I already reached this point seven years ago. Here I am again.

I'm here to fend off some more attacks on my reputation. What else is new? Let's start with the person who said 'It doesn't mean you're a poet!' Well, let's see now, what is a poem anyway? Is it just a bunch of flowery words? No, that's an advertisement. A poem is truth. Truth in the hands of a poet is the purest form of beauty. And this society fears truth. It fears beauty. The beauty of my poetry, at least of the poems that were taken from me, exists in the truth of who wrote them as much as it does in the truth of what they have to express. Only in my name are these poems truly beautiful because they are my poems.

And now I need to defend myself against the person who called me a 'prick' as I walked past him on the sidewalk earlier today. I couldn't cruise past him in my limousine because limousines are reserved for people who commit fraud with my work. Why am I a prick? Because I wrote my songs and blogs? Because I didn't die and let him and his friends shit all over my grave? I see these characters with their motorcycles and cars. And look at me, forced to walk. Whose work paid for their motorcycles and cars? Was it all their own efforts? How do we go from one negative extreme to another like that without ever crossing the middle ground? In 2008, they called me a wimp, now they call me a bully. In 2008, they called me an idiot, now they call me an egghead. And along the way, Tina Fey is an 'artist' with blogs she stole from me and the Crystalids are 'Jesus' with songs they stole from me. And am I a prick for not stopping them from taking all my hard work and using it to throw their worldwide hate party? Since when am I responsible for their actions? They knew those songs weren't theirs and they knew those blogs weren't theirs.

It sure helps to have no brain if you want to get ahead in this business. They didn't have to worry about the Crystalids protesting any questionable government policies when they had all my songs, did they? And maybe I would have even been able to advance with my music if I didn't share my opinion so effectively online.

I sat and listened to about an hour of my own music last night, the only music I trust now. I utterly lose myself in my music, which makes the works of humor I share here diminish in importance to the point of becoming almost trivial. Music is more powerful than comedy because it can stir far more than just the same emotional response over and over again. But thanks to the illegal meddling of broadcasting corporations, you'd think Ellen Degeneres is more important than music, you'd think Saturday Night Live is more important than music, and you'd think that cartoon characters like Peter Griffin are deeper than real people.

I'm supposed to be dead now so they could carry on with their lies and fraud. What keeps me living is my faith in God and in a glorious afterlife. In the spirit world, I believe fraud is impossible. Once your flesh is stripped from your spirit, all that is left is the real you. If you're a fraud, you might resemble a signed penis. If you're a legitimate artist, especially one who has been victimized by frauds, you won't need a lawyer to prove it for you because it will be all that remains of you.

I don't think there has been so much injustice leveled against one person since Galileo tried to tell the world that the Earth orbited the Sun. But we all know better now and Galileo got the last laugh on his generation. I expect the same in my case.

It might help some of my critics to understand my motives for creating my work because these motives are quite different from theirs. I do not write songs or scripts in the hope that they will make me a star. I simply follow an impulse to externalize my heart. I was born with my songs and drawings and sense of humor, so I'm stuck with them. Because they bring me so much hardship, the act of sharing my work is selfless. This selflessness appeals to those who subscribe to my work. But when a song is written from a selfish motive, such as to elevate one's social position, it spoils the result. I have brothers I envy who were able to live normally because they had nothing inside them like the works of my imagination to deter them from success in the workplace. A couple of them are now retired and can look back on full and happy lives. When I look back on the last thirty years of my life, I only see a black hole, even after millions of people celebrated my music and writing and had the time of their lives with it. Someone should ask those TV pundits why they would rather everyone celebrate lies than truth. It's a good question.
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© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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