Tuesday, September 9, 2014

More Money than Who?

More Money than Who?
I heard something on TV back in '07 or '08 that was terribly misleading. Someone said that 'Dick Cheney has more money than God.' This was meant to make Dick Cheney sound holy and impressive, but it failed to account for a very important consideration: everyone has more money than God.

'Give unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's [taxes] and give unto God the things that are God's,' said Jesus. God doesn't want money. God finds money repulsive. God thinks money is only good for helping the poor. God values spiritual property, such as music and poetry and art and humor and acts of human kindness, things that can lift your heart. This makes the theft of my songs and scripts and poems highly offensive to God.

But if you want to know who has all the money, that would be the Devil. The Devil knows how much people want money to elevate themselves above their fellows. The Devil knows that people like Dick Cheney and Mick Jagger and the Crystalids would sell their souls for money. It says right in the Bible that the Devil offered Christ all the wealth and all the kingdoms of the Earth in return for Christ's worship. Christ rejected the offer in favor of dying on the cross for our sins.

It's fairly common knowledge that the super rich have their own peculiar brand of Satanism, which they keep as secret as possible. I find it troubling that so many of them occupy positions of responsibility in our society: judges, stars, and presidents. And did you know that our laws are based on the Bible's ten commandments? Doesn't that make all Satanists criminals?
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© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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