Friday, June 6, 2014

Still Struggling

Still Struggling
I'm at a different library right now, waiting for my area to clear out in the storage facility before I record another live song. I hope my listeners are satisfied with these live videos and that they understand that I will improve with practice. I don't have time to get each one perfect and I have a lot of songs to work on. I hope the police are keeping an eye on my latest playlist Heavy Bronze to see that it is not grabbed and destroyed by internet criminals. That seems to be the predictable pattern that has shamefully formed over years and years of abuse of my copyrights, encouraged by the whole broadcast industry.

This is a stupid time when I must wait for everyone on the planet to find out by the internet or by word of mouth that I am right and all those TV jerks are wrong, thanks to the networks' incredible capacity for selfishness and social irresponsibility. Did you think they were helping you by stealing my erased posts from 2007? I'm quite sure they would have done the same to you if you had something they wanted - besides the money in your pockets. And all this fucking stupid arguing about popularity and ownership and protection is all I seem to have gotten so far for my efforts after the red carpet was rolled out for a bunch of industry supported frauds who ripped me off. Mercifully, I know that at least a few of my followers enjoy my music and writing. Now that this senseless, wasteful argument has reduced the last ten years of life to something resembling the life of a hated convict on death row when I should have been meeting and celebrating with my supporters the whole time, I can look forward to nothing but aging in front of the world until I am dead. So sometimes I lose patience and complain. But as unbearable as my life has been made by criminals who were loved for destroying my work and my peace, the thought of having to party with a bunch of lying jerks who only wanted to stab me in the back at the first opportunity makes me gag. I'm glad I avoided it.
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© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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