Saturday, June 28, 2014

Sign Language

Sign Language
Host: Welcome (illustrated by outstretched arms) to Sign Language where we often speak with our hands. They kidnapped me and flew me to this remote village, whose name I can't even pronounce, to find out how universal our Western sign language really is. Now this boy can't speak a word of English but I can tell just by looking at him that he wants the first bite of my strudel. I'm going to see if he understands the protruded tongue and enjoy my brunch. (He sticks out his tongue and it makes the boy laugh.) Stupid kid. (He takes a bite and the child lies on his back, exposing the soles of his bare feet.) Oh, he thinks I don't understand foreign rude gestures. Folks, in some parts of the world what this little ragamuffin is doing is as rude as sticking out your tongue! I'll just play dumb as I move in close enough to plant a kick! (The host's tap sends the child's legs thrusting out, catching the host at the knees. The crumbling man's pockets are picked by the boy who then easily flees the scene.) Stop! Thief!   
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© 2007, 2014. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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