Sunday, June 22, 2014

Don't Hold Your Breath

Don't Hold Your Breath
What am I supposed to do with all the loads of comedy and music that were stolen from me? Am I supposed to throw it all out now? Because the vicious broadcasting pricks only want to support it as fraud? Am I supposed to feel like a loser because I wrote hit songs and blogs? Well, I'm keeping my songs. And I'll be performing the acoustic ones at appropriate venues. And all those dirty bands that ripped me off can just suck on it.

Isn't it amazing, when you consider the vast volume of my online posts, that the media could have spent so many years hyping criminals and bashing a victim? So much time and effort devoted to the destruction of truth and of an innocent man and hardly any support for a victim of massive fraud and countless copyright violations. Did you think the media's job was to report the facts? I used to think so. Now I think, quite seriously, that their job is to destroy David Skerkowski. It's all they've tried to do as long as I have had the misfortune of being associated with them.

You'd think there was some law in effect saying that copyright violations and fraud are acceptable if they target David Skerkowski. So many offenders out there all focused on one target. But the victims include the hapless fans who were misled into following a Satanic lie and would still be on their way to Hell if the broadcasters had their way.

And why did I delete everything in 2007? Do you think I went nuts from having hit songs and popular blogs and being treated as though I were invisible? Gee, that's what's happening right now - after most of my stuff was broadcast on the TV and radio.

Not much I can do in a system that favors criminals. I tried using a lawyer and now I hear that he's also prancing around with money that belongs to me. You'd think that when I put this truth up on the web it would cause a reaction, but everyone just seems to be in some kind of a coma. I guess I'll have to wait until some rich asshole tramples all over their rights before they see the threat for themselves.
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© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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