Monday, June 23, 2014

A Word to My Supporters

A Word to My Supporters
With the TV stars who raped my blog being punished by the legal system, I'm quite satisfied. And with my return to my music I'm in a celebratory mood. But some people around me are quite sad about my success and prefer to treat this miraculous comeback of mine as some sort of tragedy. It isn't hard to deduce their identities as supporters of the fraud committed with my work. Anyone who supported and actively celebrated this crime (not the misinformed fans who merely celebrated my music or comedy) would view my comeback as a tragedy. I'm going to play along with them for now, but if I sense that their emphasis on my 'disability' is undermining my image as a potentially great performer, I will leave the province. My disability classification rests entirely on my status as a resident of British Columbia. As soon as I leave I will no longer qualify for disability benefits and will have to try to earn my money. It may slow me down, but I will take this step to protect my future as a musician if necessary.

If this is some attempt to make me look weak, it is really stupid. If I were psychologically weak, there is no way I would have survived the onslaught of so many crimes against me by so many popular entertainers around the world. To give you some idea of how much pressure I have endured, imagine if someone broke into your house and raped your daughter in front of you. Then the next day everyone hated your guts because they were told that you were the rapist. For the next ten years everyone took sides with the rapist against you and told you every day that the rapist was their hero. And so forth and so on. Wouldn't the initial crime be enough to handle without having your nose constantly rubbed in it from a flimsy false accusation? And yet I survived this horror for ten years. I stood alone against an army of stars and their devoted followers and, by all credible accounts, I crushed them. And I don't even have possession of my evidence yet. So I am not weak, to say the least.

If any of the offenders I named in this account are still working in front of TV cameras, I think they should be held responsible for all future infringements of my copyrights and should be punished along with the new offenders. By staying in the public eye after I exposed their crime, they make me look like a liar and encourage further thefts and crimes with my work. Every time I hear about a new violation I am going to check the TV to see who deserves the blame for it and bring it to public attention.

That's all I can think of for now. If you're eager to see me succeed, please be patient. There are still obstacles.
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© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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