Sunday, June 15, 2014

Poetic Justice

Poetic Justice
Leonard Cohen can go fly a kite.

Let me tell you about that Madonna concert I worked on in 2008[?] It was weird. That was the production that followed my 'initiation' at Nasco, when they played my songs to me with no words to see if I remembered the lyrics and I never felt so helpless in my life. At the show I was invited to watch her perform and I was confused when someone handed her a guitar and she pretended to strum a chord on it through the jumbo-tron. There was something really fishy about that show. I think people remember it more for seeing me on a forklift than for seeing Madonna on a stage. If she went to prison, I made the right choice by staying in the soup line. At least I still have a future.

Could anyone imagine in early 2010 that I would be here in a public library now, wailing on all these bigshots? No, they all thought I was a stupid, talentless bum with no future. And these same people now can't seem to imagine where I might be in another four years time. I think they watch too much of that television that robbed me and lied about me. It doesn't just rob innocent artists, it robs its viewers of their imaginations.

And this person who keeps saying that someone got beat up 'because of me' seems to think that people don't have a mind of their own. People don't like being lied to. It's very disrespectful. If you stick your neck out online with a lie on the web, it will be cut off. The person or thing you lie about is irrelevant.
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