Monday, June 23, 2014

Comical Relief

Comical Relief
Long practices these days. I plan to memorize all those songs I posted as live videos. But when I perform I will probably draw upon songs from both sets, electric and acoustic, for roughly half of the show and use new songs for the remainder. I've built up a nice supply of new tunes and I'm looking forward to posting them on i-tunes. I'll support my first post to that site with a video from YouTube, to help prevent any crimes with my music. I need to really practice hard now. I'll see if I can re-post some of my weaker, less rehearsed renditions as I go along.

Speaking of surplus material, I think I can safely return to sharing comedy blogs for now. They're just gathering dust in my note book. Keep an eye on them. Up to now every new comedy blog I posted has ended up on other sites without my permission. You know about the many that ended up on television without my permission.
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© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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