Monday, July 14, 2014

Adding Insults to Injuries

Adding Insults to Injuries
Boy, have I had it with my life here. Firstly. let me elaborate on one of the lyrics in my new song: takes a special kind of prick to say leaning on a stick would make one guilty. My back pain, which causes me to limp, is the latest injury that Nasco pricks have seized upon to say that I was beat up for crime. I already explained here that it is my plywood bed that probably caused the injury.

Let's talk about how much damage Nasco workers have done to me in the last seven years. They poked me with a syringe to steal my blood. Can't you get HIV or hepatitis from that? They did this to me so they could feel more confident about stealing all my songs to bring you the Crystalids. They smoked crack with the Crystalids and spread lies about me on the strength of my music's popularity. They organized hate parties and invited people to injure me for admission. When the Crystalids collapsed, they started crediting everyone else on the planet for everything I write and share. They lied about every innocent injury I suffered, saying I'd been beaten up. They went online and flooded my posts with hate and false accusations. I'm surprised they're even allowed on the web, let alone into my posts. They hassled me in the street with pranks and putdowns. They stalked me. They crowded me off the computers at the library. They went around my neighborhood and spread malicious lies about me. They went into my haunts and spread malicious lies about me. When I don't feel like limping half a mile to the library to post blogs, they accuse me of being in jail. When I take a bus ride across the country for a week, they accuse me of being in jail...

Why am I being held hostage like this and forced to post daily works? What have I got for all the work I already shared but absolute misery? Don't expect me to stick around and play this game for them forever. And why do people fall for this lie when my blogs stay online? If I went to jail for something I wrote here, I'd be forced to erase it. I've already said this about ten times! The fucking people who swallow this shit are even dumber than the Nasco workers who feed it to them.

Nasco's idea of a laugh is to put a cigarette butt on the sidewalk and stand there waiting for me to pass by and pick it up. They want my poverty to disgrace me when their crime is the cause of it.

They are colossally stupid. What's this about how Jeff Hisko is the 'stick' in my lyrics? When did the cops break up that Jeff Hisko party? A year ago? And I'm still hearing about him. Okay, let's analyze this feeble lie. First off, they're admitting that it's my song. Why would I write a new song if I need to steal my songs? Second, who ever heard of criminals confessing their crimes on the internet? It's absurd. Third, why would I use the word 'stick' to refer to a person? No one would make the connection in a million years. This is the kind of stupidity that can drive a person of even average intelligence to sheer madness. And when they were onstage with my music everyone loved them as poets and believed that I was 'slow'.

These brainless criminal crackheads have had their way with me here long enough. They go in and out of jail and if you read my statements you'll see that I've reported weekly abuse from them for as long as I've been posting into this account. We don't punish them severely enough and I'm the only one paying for it. So I'm going to put a stop to it myself. I'm getting the fuck out of here before I lose my mind.

And if you want to know who pays the Nascos, it's big stars like Madonna and Mick Jagger Saturday Night Live and all the other stars who stole my work or tarnished my image. What a fucking hideous crime scene. It's a good thing people can at least go online to my accounts and get some entertainment they can trust.
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© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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