Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Thinking Ahead

Thinking Ahead
Could someone please check Europe and find out if anything funny is going on with my latest song post there? I have a sneaking suspicion about it. And could someone please translate my instructions to flag all posts that steal from me or contradict me into the language of every country that has access to my music? I'd really appreciate it.

Yup, show business is sure full of rotten, selfish performers with no creative talent. And they all want to get rich and famous by stealing my work, thanks to corporations like NBC and WEA and HBO and FOX and CBC showing them that they will gladly support their crimes against me.

I read one of my blogs last night and there were so many laughs in it that I couldn't get through it all. I hear that people download these posts ten at a time. They get a great kick out of them. Yes, you can't put a price on the way a well written song or poem or script makes you feel. Conversely, you can have all the money in the world, but if you feel unfulfilled, you're no better off than a pauper.

Am I alone in finding fault with our business leaders? Of course not. I am echoing the sentiments of most of my readers when I bash big business. It's strange how people let me do this for them and then leave me to face the punishing fallout from it alone. It's also depressing.

I heard an industry worker say to her friend a while ago that it 'felt good' to hurt me when the Crystalids were on the radio. That's because when my pure, warm humanity combines with broadcast technology, it turns broadcast signals into irresistible love beams. The love I put into my work was twisted like this to make people feel love from subjecting me to cruelty. It was perhaps the most diabolical experiment with mental association that has yet been contrived by the mass manipulators of the broadcast industry.

Seeing how people shuffle around in their broadcast induced trances makes me wonder if we even live our own lives anymore. Technology appears to have advanced to the point where it can live more satisfying lives for us through mediums like television. This might get us through the day, but when we come to the end of our lives, we can't really look back on anything solid. I'm glad I shun commercial broadcasts for that reason.
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© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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