Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Mother Knows Best

Mother Knows Best
Don't be too hard on my mom for trying to steer me away from a career as an artist. She knew I was gifted but she didn't trust the world to pay me for it. When you look at how I am presently treated, she appears to have been absolutely right to discourage me from pursuing my art and music.

I watched a video last night called The Corporation 2, a series of interviews with leading activists. One of them was a former executive from a major corporation who thinks that capitalism needs a manifesto. His criticism of capitalism was too light. He called it 'amoral' when it is immoral. And while I must commend him for recognizing the poverty of purpose offered by a system solely focused on the accumulation of wealth, I found it hard to sit there and listen to him praise capitalism's 'virtues'. He said capitalism beat all the other 'isms'. That's merely because the fascists and the communists kicked the shit out of each other and left behind a destroyed continent for capitalists to exploit after World War Two. He said that capitalism creates enormous wealth. For who? One percent of the population? What about the rest of us? And what kind of millionaires is it creating? Beyonce with my hit song? Capitalism is evil. It fosters greed, dishonesty, and outright cruelty. Capitalism doesn't need a manifesto, it needs a heart. But if it had a heart, it would become something else.
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© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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