Thursday, October 2, 2014

Fire Them All

Fire Them All
Just a quick note before I move on to my next point. When Jesus turned down the Devil's offer of all the money and power in the world because he didn't want to worship evil, do you think he made the wrong choice? Seems to me that people are so selfish these days, they'll choose money first over anything, including their souls. I wonder if they think they're Christian.

I wanted to talk a little bit about how I first attracted views to my online posts. This may have started as early as 2000, when I first posted daily short stories on the web. They seemed to attract attention. But the way I attracted views on YouTube was a little different. People don't go to your web page on YouTube to support you unless they know you. Since I was an outsider to start with, the only views I got were from strangers who needed to look at someone so 'pathetic' that they could feel better about their own lives. Stars especially like to browse through YouTube so they can look down on us ordinary people and reassure themselves of their superiority. That's why when my songs got popular, it was so hard for them to take. I wasn't with them and yet I was considered talented. They think that no one should be talented except themselves and their clique.

I don't just take what they did to my work as a personal insult, I see it as an insult against the whole population. I could have been any one of you or your loved ones and would have been abused the same way.

These people are reptiles. They don't listen to the music or enjoy it, they only look at the numbers of views on the page. And if that number exceeds the number of views on their page, they become irate. They start plotting to destroy this upstart. And it can go on for at least seven years, as I have since learned. I know my music was popular because no one would have stolen it otherwise. Conversely, a new song might be the greatest work of music ever written, but if it is unpopular, the author won't have to worry about it being stolen.

Why doesn't someone look through my indexes and the rest of this blog and erase it from the 2007-2010 television schedule? Is there anything left? What about music? Any revolutionary new sounds out there? I doubt it. I think that if all those industry people depended so much on one person for their content that they had to steal every word and every note of music he shared on the web, it will be impossible for them to make up for it in his absence. It won't be impossible for them to keep collecting their paychecks though, so they can continue to feel superior to the artist they robbed. That's all they're really good at, from what I can tell.
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© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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