Saturday, October 4, 2014

Class Dismissed

Class Dismissed
I know I lampooned the Queen a little bit in that last post but I have nothing against her. Actually I heard she's a pretty nice gal. I do not object to power when it is in good hands. The Queen takes her job seriously. She accepts the responsibility that goes with her power and she was groomed for her job from an early age.

But naughty children behave better than all those phony stars who paraded around with my songs and my scripts and poems. They were clearly unfit for power, at least for the kind of power that I would have had in their place. I wouldn't have taken my limo through the poor neighborhood to play pranks on the unfortunates like they did, I would have just used it to shield myself from the glares of strangers. I wouldn't have blown my money on tasteless hate parties and crack cocaine like they did, I would have made large charitable donations and perhaps invested in the development of an honest television network.

The Queen is also well known for her charitable efforts. She deserves more credit for helping the poor than I would because she has never been poor. People who've never been poor often have trouble finding sympathy for the unemployed. It's too bad that we can't give the poor the benefit of the doubt when it's quite obvious that they suffer.

The Queen is innocent with respect to the demise of Diana. The Queen loves her grandchildren too much to hurt them like that. She also gives us too much freedom to suddenly turn around and murder someone who may embarrass her. But if you're looking for culprits in Diana's case, I wouldn't put foul play past those greasy paparazzi. Look how the media conspired against little old me and almost got me killed with my own music and writing. Framing victims for sensational stories is one of Dateline's hobbies. Maybe it's a common practice with the paparazzi too. It might well explain that drugged driver. Or perhaps their motive was simpler. Maybe the paparazzi just wanted to disable the driver so he would pull over and let them close in on Diana with their cameras. I've learned that they can be quite ruthless in how they go about acquiring a shot.
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© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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