Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Time to Go

Time to Go

This blog is getting too voluminous and I'm going to have to start a new one. Before I go, I must tell you that there will be no more live videos from the storage space. I had to fork out extra money to replace my computer monitor this month and it left me nothing to pay for my storage fee.

That's all right. I can't shoot all my videos from the same location. I'm on good terms with the manager of my building right now and I'm sure he will permit me to set my gear up in the back yard for some outdoor 'concerts'. I have six songs in mind for this project and I won't be adding any more commercials to my videos until I receive money for the hundred or so of my videos that have already been monetized.

More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Thinking Ahead

Thinking Ahead
Could someone please check Europe and find out if anything funny is going on with my latest song post there? I have a sneaking suspicion about it. And could someone please translate my instructions to flag all posts that steal from me or contradict me into the language of every country that has access to my music? I'd really appreciate it.

Yup, show business is sure full of rotten, selfish performers with no creative talent. And they all want to get rich and famous by stealing my work, thanks to corporations like NBC and WEA and HBO and FOX and CBC showing them that they will gladly support their crimes against me.

I read one of my blogs last night and there were so many laughs in it that I couldn't get through it all. I hear that people download these posts ten at a time. They get a great kick out of them. Yes, you can't put a price on the way a well written song or poem or script makes you feel. Conversely, you can have all the money in the world, but if you feel unfulfilled, you're no better off than a pauper.

Am I alone in finding fault with our business leaders? Of course not. I am echoing the sentiments of most of my readers when I bash big business. It's strange how people let me do this for them and then leave me to face the punishing fallout from it alone. It's also depressing.

I heard an industry worker say to her friend a while ago that it 'felt good' to hurt me when the Crystalids were on the radio. That's because when my pure, warm humanity combines with broadcast technology, it turns broadcast signals into irresistible love beams. The love I put into my work was twisted like this to make people feel love from subjecting me to cruelty. It was perhaps the most diabolical experiment with mental association that has yet been contrived by the mass manipulators of the broadcast industry.

Seeing how people shuffle around in their broadcast induced trances makes me wonder if we even live our own lives anymore. Technology appears to have advanced to the point where it can live more satisfying lives for us through mediums like television. This might get us through the day, but when we come to the end of our lives, we can't really look back on anything solid. I'm glad I shun commercial broadcasts for that reason.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Mother Knows Best

Mother Knows Best
Don't be too hard on my mom for trying to steer me away from a career as an artist. She knew I was gifted but she didn't trust the world to pay me for it. When you look at how I am presently treated, she appears to have been absolutely right to discourage me from pursuing my art and music.

I watched a video last night called The Corporation 2, a series of interviews with leading activists. One of them was a former executive from a major corporation who thinks that capitalism needs a manifesto. His criticism of capitalism was too light. He called it 'amoral' when it is immoral. And while I must commend him for recognizing the poverty of purpose offered by a system solely focused on the accumulation of wealth, I found it hard to sit there and listen to him praise capitalism's 'virtues'. He said capitalism beat all the other 'isms'. That's merely because the fascists and the communists kicked the shit out of each other and left behind a destroyed continent for capitalists to exploit after World War Two. He said that capitalism creates enormous wealth. For who? One percent of the population? What about the rest of us? And what kind of millionaires is it creating? Beyonce with my hit song? Capitalism is evil. It fosters greed, dishonesty, and outright cruelty. Capitalism doesn't need a manifesto, it needs a heart. But if it had a heart, it would become something else.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Standing My Ground

Standing My Ground
I have a number of tunes like Under My Umbrella that I won't be singing. Since this song was clearly popular, I will be inviting a female vocalist to sing them as I accompany her on the guitar. I wouldn't expect anyone to be brave enough to face the spotlight with me right now, but once all this legal bullshit is out of the way and I'm free to perform, fans of my soft, acoustic songs can look forward to this alternative to my rock.

Don't worry about all the feeble arguments they're putting up to cling to whatever vestige of a decent image they think they still have. You just keep flagging any posts that steal from me or contradict me. I don't need to prove my position. The police wouldn't be on my side if I were lying.

This time is precisely as it was in late 2007 when I erased my online accounts. I was tricked into believing I was insignificant and the next day everyone on Earth was ripping off my erased posts. Don't let them trick you now the way they tricked me then.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

The Red Menace

The Red Menace
Voice: Sheila was a redhead who stood out, especially in the shipping department.

(A warehouse. A male forklift driver performs a daring maneuver.)

Driver: Hey, Sheila, look! (He crashes into a pile of cartons.)

Voice: Warehouse work was her bread and butter.

(A lunchroom.)

Male Worker #1: Sheila, do you want my bagel?

Male Worker #2: I'm sure she'd rather have this tasty doughnut. All for you, Sheila!

Male Worker #3: You guys have no class. Try some of this cheesecake, Sheila.

#1: No class? Well, I guess I don't need manners then! (He throws his soup in #3's face.)

#3: Why, you! (He charges #1 and a fight erupts.)

Sheila: (smiling) Boys! Boys!

Voice: But then the beautiful, red haired student, Deirdre, came looking for a summer job...

(A trucking dock. The supervisor walks Deirdre past a group of men surrounding Sheila. The men follow the couple, leaving Sheila alone and upset.)

Voice: ... putting Sheila's professionalism to the ultimate test.

(Sheila instructs Deirdre on how to operate the conveyor belt.)

Sheila: Now if you see orange sparks flying from the fuse box, don't worry about it. Just take this metal wrench in your bare hand and give it a good solid whack.

Voice: See how the sparks fly on the Red Menace, tonight on Monday Night at the Movies.
More Scripts Statements Songs
© 2007, 2014. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Real Slime

Real Slime
Jan 2016: After I shared this, someone invited Maher to play a show at the Queen E. Theatre here in Vancouver in November 2015.

Speaking of Bill Maher, how do you suppose George Carlin was able to take all my erased blogs and broadcast them on HBO? Who was working at HBO first and was able to help Carlin get a job there? The answer is Bill Maher. Here is just another mediocre talent who was threatened by the quality of my online posts and tried to destroy me at the first opportunity.

People like Maher have been quite vicious with what they have said about me on their shows. I stick to their crimes and speculate on the decadence of their lifestyles when I discuss them, but they go on the air and quite simply slander me. Who was he talking about when he said that some guy masturbates 'with a dildo up his ass'? I'm only asking because I heard a similar rumor spreading around town about me a couple years ago. Let me say now, for the record, that I could not fit a dildo up my ass with the space already taken up by him and his show. And did I say anything like that about any of my detractors before I learned that they were punished in prison?

Did you hear Maher during the writers' strike, boasting that the stars write their own shows? All the stars were doing was robbing my erased posts the whole time. Did you hear him talk about how his late friend George Carlin took his act more and more out of the mainstream as he approached his death? Yeah, breaking the law is definitely out of the mainstream.

This guy is supposed to supply an alternative voice and he doesn't see anything funny about what happened on 9/11. He thinks we're mad to doubt the official account.

I don't imagine I will ever be able to move forward until they clear Maher and everyone like him from my path. When I think of the years of my life he and his friends have already wasted, I can't help but grumble over how many more they still want to waste.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Broadcast into Hell

Broadcast into Hell
People wonder why the business won't help me when I am in a position to restore public trust in them. They don't actually need you to trust them to make money. They can simply force their will upon you with their giant transmitters. And that's all they've been doing in my case for the last four years since I re-posted Size and enough old blogs to get Tina's Fey's and George Strombopoulos's boyfriend kicked off Saturday Night Live.

They just shove their will right down your throat. You turn on your TV or your radio and they simply manipulate you with whatever subconscious programming serves their purposes. The business never wanted to help me, you see. They only wanted to destroy me. And the more popular I am online, the more they want to crush me. If you like me, you're actually betraying me every time you support one of their broadcasts.

Look at the horrors I've been reporting. And because of the influence of their broadcasts, people just step over my bleeding body. No Good Samaritans in this world, just Lost fans.

They expect this insult to drive me to suicide. That's what they want. That's the only way they know how to party, when I'm dead or dying. They've already proven it. But more than that, because of the huge following I have online, my suicide would give them endless material that they could use to make more money for themselves at my expense. The only way they want to make money from me is in a way that hurts me or kills me. It's quite outrageous that they are allowed to carry on so openly with such wicked designs.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Too Much

Too Much
I now remember the song I had online in 2008 when Bill Maher complained about a white musician who played the blues. It was Under My Umbrella. I guess he took that for a blues song because I added a few blues notes to the 'E' when I played it. He must have been happy to see Beyonce take illegal possession of it for her race.

I said that this song was kind of boring to play on the guitar because it's just four chords strummed over and over from start to finish, but I now I hear that they're saying my new songs are too complicated. Business, for instance, is in 13/4 time and no one can figure it out unless they work really hard on it. But that ten-year-old girl really liked Business when I first shared it as Psych. She loved it. She didn't care about the difficult phrasing. She just appreciated the superior quality. Too complicated? Not for her, a child in Grade Five.

Leave it to a bunch of dull, spoiled, lazy industry 'professionals' to criticize me for being too complicated instead of criticizing themselves for being too simplistic. Some of that music they're peddling is so empty that it probably retards the brain. But big business doesn't care about that. They just want you to be smart enough to drive your car and go to your job so you can give your paycheck back to them when you shop.

When I posted my children's song Clouds in 2010, everyone liked Tina Fey's comment that maybe I should try doing Baby Love. At the time, the Crystalids were on the radio with my Arise, which is equal in sophistication to anything I'm doing now. Why wasn't it too complicated when they had it?

And how did I go from being too slow to being too intelligent? I'll tell you how: by way of a broadcasting industry that lies through its teeth about me and by the failure of our justice system to permanently remove their offensive broadcasts from the airwaves.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

You Call That News?

You Call That News?
The media is obviously connected to the racket that calls itself the entertainment business. Let me tell you what they are doing right now by panning the story of how all these frauds who stole my songs, scripts, and poems are being prosecuted by the law. They are creating a vacuum that is sucking every wannabe star on Earth into my accounts to try to steal something from me and get their fifteen minutes of fame from it. They are encouraging more fraud made out of my honest music and writing. They should all be fired and replaced.

Can you imagine how hard it was for me to have to tell the world that Jay Leno was ripping me off? Not only was he trusted at home, he was connected to every star in Hollywood.

People and shows that stole my work or played a role in the crimes against me include: Beyonce, Bill Maher, The Crystalids, Taylor Swift, The Rolling Stones, Oasis, the band that stole my song 'Virtue', Coldplay, George Carlin, Jay Leno, Ellen Degeneres, Jimmy Kimmel, Conan O'Brien, Saturday Night Live, The Simpsons, Family Guy, Jon Stewart, Dateline NBC, FOX News, CBC's David Frum, CBC's George Strombolpoulos, George W. Bush, Jonathan Torrens, Clint Eastwood, Gene Hackman, Madonna, and Leonard Cohen. With this many high profile offenders, I'm sure there are many others I'm leaving out.

And I have to give the fans of all these stars the news, myself, because the media won't do their jobs right. Oh, but how about that OJ Simpson from 1994! Isn't he a monster!
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Class Dismissed

Class Dismissed
I know I lampooned the Queen a little bit in that last post but I have nothing against her. Actually I heard she's a pretty nice gal. I do not object to power when it is in good hands. The Queen takes her job seriously. She accepts the responsibility that goes with her power and she was groomed for her job from an early age.

But naughty children behave better than all those phony stars who paraded around with my songs and my scripts and poems. They were clearly unfit for power, at least for the kind of power that I would have had in their place. I wouldn't have taken my limo through the poor neighborhood to play pranks on the unfortunates like they did, I would have just used it to shield myself from the glares of strangers. I wouldn't have blown my money on tasteless hate parties and crack cocaine like they did, I would have made large charitable donations and perhaps invested in the development of an honest television network.

The Queen is also well known for her charitable efforts. She deserves more credit for helping the poor than I would because she has never been poor. People who've never been poor often have trouble finding sympathy for the unemployed. It's too bad that we can't give the poor the benefit of the doubt when it's quite obvious that they suffer.

The Queen is innocent with respect to the demise of Diana. The Queen loves her grandchildren too much to hurt them like that. She also gives us too much freedom to suddenly turn around and murder someone who may embarrass her. But if you're looking for culprits in Diana's case, I wouldn't put foul play past those greasy paparazzi. Look how the media conspired against little old me and almost got me killed with my own music and writing. Framing victims for sensational stories is one of Dateline's hobbies. Maybe it's a common practice with the paparazzi too. It might well explain that drugged driver. Or perhaps their motive was simpler. Maybe the paparazzi just wanted to disable the driver so he would pull over and let them close in on Diana with their cameras. I've learned that they can be quite ruthless in how they go about acquiring a shot.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

The Monarch

The Monarch
Voice: She was the kind of ruler who believed in tradition.

(Royal court. The Monarch sits on her throne.)

Prince: But Mumsie, I love her!

Monarch: You will marry your cousin and that is final!

Voice: Her judgement was fair and impartial.

(Judicial court. The Monarch sits on the bench, wearing a wig of white locks.)

Monarch: Of what is the prisoner accused?

Barrister: He is accused of accusing you of the murder of your daughter-in-law.

Monarch: Off with his head! (She slams down the gavel.)

Voice: Her struggle against the nosy paparazzi was well known.

(A crowd of reporters huddle outside the gates of the royal palace.)

Reporter #1: Can you see anything?

Reporter #2: (peering through binoculars) Just that helicopter up there.

Reporter #1: Helicopter? (An army helicopter descends on the group and mows it down with machine gun fire.)

Voice: But her subjects loved her for the generous freedoms she bestowed upon them.

(A birthday celebration. The Monarch opens an envelope and reads a card.)

Monarch: (reading) You stink! Who wrote this? Speak up! (Silence.) All right then, no dessert for any of you! Guards! (Enter guards.) Show our guests to the door. This party is over.

Voice: When you've done watching this movie, you'll never see your banknotes the same way again. Don't miss The Monarch, an exclusive presentation of the High Brow Oligarchy.
More Scripts Statements Songs
© 2007, 2014. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Glad to Be Here

Glad to Be Here
When Beyonce came to Vancouver, everyone was so excited! I remember it. And I liked Under My Umbrella so much that I looked up the lyrics on the internet and copied them onto my computer. I couldn't remember authoring the song yet. I invited a young woman to sing them as I accompanied her on the guitar. I thought she did a pretty good job. I think this girl is as talented as Beyonce.

When I walked past a production last week, one of the workers pointed to me and said, 'this guy's lost!' I guess he thought I was lost because I won't go and beg the business to give me a break after they raped my music and writing and screwed me out of millions of dollars in profits and made me the most hated person in history when I was innocent. But people trusted me precisely because they knew I am not in this to be a star, but that I am merely being myself. I'd rather have the trust of the population than be some phony-balony star. And if the only way to be a star is to blow the business, there really isn't anything to admire about the stars on your TV, radio, or large stage right now, they're just a bunch of servile wimps.

I know I sometimes complain about my life and say I wish I weren't here, but I honestly don't know if I'll look back later as a success and pine for this life. At least it offers a host of creative ideas - unlike those comfortable stars who so thoroughly depended on me to do their jobs for them.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.


My latest song, Passion, is for my music fans, like all my songs. The melody has a conciliatory feel, which called for conciliatory words. With the recent exposure of another major crime with one of my songs, I wanted to let the misled fans of the culprit know that I don't hold it against them. However, if they only supported Beyonce from the outset because of the outstanding views she received on YouTube with my song, they should not support her now. There's a good chance that she would still be on YouTube if she had not ripped me off. For that reason, I reject any fans she might still have following the exposure of her fraud.

I have often said that I don't watch television or listen to radio, but perhaps I haven't explained clearly why. I don't trust myself in the face of their overwhelming hypnotic power. Had I tuned into Saturday Night Live when they were stealing from me, I would have fallen for their fraud the same as anyone else, just as I fell for Beyonce's fraud when I heard her on the radio with Under My Umbrella. Since I am just as vulnerable to mass media manipulation as anyone else, I can't hold it against them or call them 'stupid' when they succumb to it.

It is only after the fraud is exposed that the fog clears from the head and the silliness of the beliefs that supported the fraud becomes apparent. Let me illustrate such silliness now, with a little fiction: I stole Size from Charles Manson. He is not allowed to write hit songs because he's in prison. Actually, it was just a hit verse to begin with, consisting of two lines: I'm not any better, I've had bloody trials... From this I was able to develop it into a full song. Manson was arrested because he confessed his crimes through his music. The last song he authored before Size was I Slaughtered Sharon Tate: I slaughtered Sharon Tate/Man and did it feel great/Blamed it on the boy next door/Hoping to start a race war... This is the kind of silliness that may pass for fact when an artist's life-work is turned into fraud by the mass media.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Helping You See

Helping You See
I'm hearing a lot about what things look like and I'll tell you exactly what they look like: they look like the opposite of how they really are. I'm the victim but I'm living in a neighborhood notorious for crime. They're the criminals but they're on TV. I'm innocent and have never been incarcerated and people think I'm indecent. They're guilty and have all been to jail or prison and people think they're decent. I'm good and children are instructed to walk away from me. They're evil and children are encouraged to love them. I have authored hit songs and most of the best comedy scripts on TV in the last seven years and I'm poor. They have done nothing but steal from me and go to parties for the last seven years and they're rich. In my hands, my songs and writings collect dust on the internet. In the hands of filthy frauds, my songs, scripts, and poems were broadcasted all over the universe. My mind is at peace with nothing on my conscience. Their minds are in a constant state of torment from all their repressed shame.

If you're a fan of mine, don't you worry about all this foolish posturing by the networks. All the pretending in the world won't save them from the punishment that awaits them. The police have thoroughly interrogated these superstars and have built up an impressive store of information. Maybe one day they'll share this information with me so I can move forward with my lawsuit. I think I'm going to have to sue my enemies to get them out of the way before I can play. It'll slow me down but in the end we'll have our justice - and our party.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Poor Justice

Poor Justice
This is looking more and more to me like a crime of rich, privileged assholes against all ordinary citizens. I know that a lot of us dream about how great it would be to party with celebrities and I think it's a shame. I know that I missed absolutely nothing by being uninvited to a fraud party with spoiled celebrities who only feel successful when they're gloating at someone who is not as well off as they are. What do you think those dozens of rich stars who stole my work and their groveling sycophants were talking about all those years that they tricked the world into believing they had my talent? Me! They got together and gossiped about me like a bunch of clucking hens on a daytime women's talk show. I can't think of anything more excruciatingly boring.

I don't want to be rich so I can be with them, I deserve to be rich in the interests of justice. I worked to produce those years of content that ended up on the TV and radio and they did not pay me for my work. To leave a worker unpaid for his work is quite simply WRONG!
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

To the Police

To the Police
Could the police have a quick look and see if any new videos of my detractors who went to prison and ate shit have been posted online? I'm hearing praise for one of them. So how do you expect victims of this kind of crime to survive to the point where they finally have justice? Would I be in jail now if I didn't know how to write blogs? Too bad for all the artists who didn't possess writing skills, eh? I guess they're all dead. I wonder who's getting all the credit for their work right now.

I added some more new putdowns to my Thousand-Year Blog. Those putdowns have really added up since they threw Tina Fey in prison. See how poor our justice system is when it lets fiends get at their victim like that.

I'm not criticizing you. I know you work hard. Every time I was suddenly cornered by Beyonce fans or Rolling Stones fans or Simpsons fans or Jay Leno fans or any fans of the dozens of other stars who stole my work, you have always appeared in the nick of time to discourage them from following through on their violent intentions. I know I am well protected physically, but I clearly lack protection from psychological abuse. This is a failure of our system which needs to be corrected. I will document another account of this psychological abuse now. (October 3rd, 4:20 pm). I think it's really getting out of hand.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Fire Them All

Fire Them All
Just a quick note before I move on to my next point. When Jesus turned down the Devil's offer of all the money and power in the world because he didn't want to worship evil, do you think he made the wrong choice? Seems to me that people are so selfish these days, they'll choose money first over anything, including their souls. I wonder if they think they're Christian.

I wanted to talk a little bit about how I first attracted views to my online posts. This may have started as early as 2000, when I first posted daily short stories on the web. They seemed to attract attention. But the way I attracted views on YouTube was a little different. People don't go to your web page on YouTube to support you unless they know you. Since I was an outsider to start with, the only views I got were from strangers who needed to look at someone so 'pathetic' that they could feel better about their own lives. Stars especially like to browse through YouTube so they can look down on us ordinary people and reassure themselves of their superiority. That's why when my songs got popular, it was so hard for them to take. I wasn't with them and yet I was considered talented. They think that no one should be talented except themselves and their clique.

I don't just take what they did to my work as a personal insult, I see it as an insult against the whole population. I could have been any one of you or your loved ones and would have been abused the same way.

These people are reptiles. They don't listen to the music or enjoy it, they only look at the numbers of views on the page. And if that number exceeds the number of views on their page, they become irate. They start plotting to destroy this upstart. And it can go on for at least seven years, as I have since learned. I know my music was popular because no one would have stolen it otherwise. Conversely, a new song might be the greatest work of music ever written, but if it is unpopular, the author won't have to worry about it being stolen.

Why doesn't someone look through my indexes and the rest of this blog and erase it from the 2007-2010 television schedule? Is there anything left? What about music? Any revolutionary new sounds out there? I doubt it. I think that if all those industry people depended so much on one person for their content that they had to steal every word and every note of music he shared on the web, it will be impossible for them to make up for it in his absence. It won't be impossible for them to keep collecting their paychecks though, so they can continue to feel superior to the artist they robbed. That's all they're really good at, from what I can tell.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Full of Broadcasting

Full of Broadcasting
As long as my mental health is up for debate, I should repeat what I already said in previous blogs in my defense. I supported myself with odd jobs for most of my life until 2007 when I started posting music on YouTube. I had no record of mental illness and was considered 'well above average' in my skills and abilities. It was only the horrific impact of so much fraud committed with the work I shared online that drove me onto disability. It is quite normal for a person to get depressed when everyone scowls at him and he doesn't know why. Since the wounds to my heart and my mind are very deep, I may still suffer from depression and legitimately qualify for disability benefits. But this mood disorder does not affect my ability to reason and to share my logical findings here on the web. My blogs make perfect sense, have not had to be removed for any legal reasons, and defy any accusations of insanity which have been leveled, most unjustly, against me.

I don't believe that people fit well into categories and I think that institutions should stop categorizing us. Once you belong to a category, your behavior is expected to conform to it. New stars, for instance, are expected to lust for power. When the media were hyping me in 2011 and 2012, which was simply a trap to lure me onto the celebrity graveyard of Dateline NBC, I was expected to surrender to the force of my stardom and swallow their bait. But I already walked away from a similar situation in late 2007 and it's too bad that they couldn't see that I am capable of resisting the temptation to assume a position of unquestionable power. Had they have made my experience of sharing a little more pleasant, instead of letting me fall prey to so many vicious frauds, perhaps I might have succumbed. But it's easy to walk away from stardom when all the TV wants to do is steal your work and lie about you on Dateline.

I don't try to write hits either. I just write what's in my heart. If it's a hit, it's by accident. Maybe this was the purity the business coveted so much that they had to steal it. They wanted to look like me, saying my truthful thoughts, singing my honest songs, so that people would trust them. And in turn, they wanted everyone to doubt and hate me because I criticized them. Did you trust Jay Leno more when he bashed Rupert Murdoch? Did you trust Saturday Night Live more when they bashed network executives? Did you trust HBO more when George Carlin went on there and bashed businessmen? Did you trust Ellen more when she bashed herself? If you did, you probably feel pretty foolish about it now. And are they blaming your embarrassment on me? Sounds like you're headed for more embarrassment - or worse - by continuing to give them your attention.

Dateline's end-of-the-line stage was the only stage they wanted me on. They wanted me to sacrifice my future like that poor musician who ended up killing himself after appearing on that show. But I've never been on Dateline and never will I set foot in that studio. That's just a crooked news show that thrives on sensationalism and gossip, which people like myself tend to cause by having a large presence on the web at the same time as they lead solitary, ordinary lives. The 'entertainment' business won't help me to put together a legitimate show to entertain people because they know I would sound good, contrary to all the lies they've been feeding you. So now we have the real author of those songs that made girls scream but they want the world to be unimpressed with him after they hyped the pricks who stole his tunes. This isn't hard to figure out.

Broadcasting is full of shit right now. It is not worth watching. As long as they leave me insulted like this and hide fraud from you like they did with Beyonce's theft of my Under My Umbrella for the last six years, they can not be trusted. And don't expect the radio to offer any sort of alternative. Joseph Goebbels boasted that he put a radio in every German home in the 1930's. He also thought that the state should exploit the new broadcasting technology to strengthen its rule over the population. Why did Goebbels like the radio so much? And aren't radio programs broadcasted with giant transmitters the same way television is broadcasted? I bet if you tilt one of those dishes on its back, you could fit the brains of every person in its region inside.

Broadcasting might not always be this bad, with stars and reporters going to prison by the busload. I will not trust them, no matter how much they hype me, unless I see my share of that money they made from all my work. Until then, they can all go to Hell.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Band of Browsers

Band of Browsers
I'm going to remind the business of one of your own rules that were outlined to me seven years ago when it looked like one of my songs had turned me into a star. You are not allowed to tarnish the image of a star. This rule does not apply when your stars tarnish themselves, as they did when they lied by telling everyone they created my work. You seemed to think it was okay to tarnish my image as long as I erased my work. For that reason I will keep my restored work online in my account here for the rest of my life. And now that I have shared this statement about how it is illegal to tarnish my image, I would like my readers to do a Google image search on my name and flag all images of me which present me in an unfavorable light. Thank you. And when those posts are removed, you can rest assured that the people who posted them are in jail - probably not for the first time.

I hear about how that mental case keeps reappearing online and has to be forced offline practically every day. It might be a good idea to restrict internet access to these fiends if all they're going to do is perpetually re-post their filthy lies.

Should I be impressed that Beyonce was incarcerated for stealing Under My Umbrella from me? I'm sure she made enough fraud money from her crime to bail herself out quickly. But why did everyone let Beyonce go ahead and take my song back in 2008? Was it because the Crystalids were so wildly successful at that time with all the songs they stole from me? In 2008, around the time I posted a song called Fuckup (Now You're earning fifty K, the best job you could suck up: testing faulty parachutes, you'd best not use your luck up...), I'd been socializing with vloggers on YouTube and I saw one of them say that there was a top secret party for all the most prominent YouTube members - excluding me, of course. Maybe they all got together to agree that Beyonce should have my new hit and that the Crystalids should have my hit from the previous year. Since people like Jay Leno and Tina Fey and Mick Jagger and Coldplay ripped me off and were in a position to advance the careers of these YouTube stars, this is not such an unlikely possibility.

So how are they enjoying their success now? Did the business pay them enough money to rip me off and ruin my image? Did they have to go to prison and eat shit? Did they have enough money for being on the side of evil to bail themselves out? What a shallow life they must live to structure it all around appearances and never face reality. No wonder they can't produce interesting work. Oh look, front page headline: they're going to another party. Yawn!
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Hit and Miss

Hit and Miss
The minority of my readers who can't stand it if I feel the slightest pleasure for even the shortest amount of time will have to indulge me at the moment. I'm thinking of how my detractors didn't think I would survive to the present to share the details of my experience of the last few years to a large group of trusting online readers. That's because they told the world that I was Hitler and that I was a child molester and that I stole all my work and that I had a 'signed dick'. This misinformation came to most people through trusted channels in the media or 'through the grapevine'. It's quite miraculous that I survived the intense, bitter hate of the whole world for such a long time. You'd think that I wouldn't have lasted five minutes on a public street with such an offensive public image, but here I am. And I can't help but chuckle over it. Sorry.

I was conversing with a friend from my building a few weeks ago who raised an interesting point. She said that if those who put great effort into stealing other people's songs would simply put that effort into their own work, they would produce their own hits. On the surface this sounds logical but my personal experience of authoring several hit songs contradicts it somewhat. My experience has taught me that hit songs are more the product of one's time than of one's labor. Look at Under My Umbrella. I wrote it so fast that I couldn't even remember writing it. But in retrospect, given Beyonce's success with it, no one will argue that it didn't fit beautifully into the time I wrote it. My effort was largely irrelevant to its popularity.

Since an artist has no control over the time in which he lives, he has little or no control over the popularity of his work. I can offer no advice except to try to express your true heart in your work. That way, even if your songs don't sell, you can still consider them a personal success.

As for making money in the entertainment business, I can't help you with that one either. I've heard a lot of talk about 'establishing connections' and 'developing an image' but I never hear a word about having talent. I think that talent is all an artist should essentially need to be successful. To say that an artist's success depends on other things is to insult all talent - not just me. And I would hesitate to buy any music or DVD's that came from an industry that insults talent.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.