Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Time to Go

Time to Go

This blog is getting too voluminous and I'm going to have to start a new one. Before I go, I must tell you that there will be no more live videos from the storage space. I had to fork out extra money to replace my computer monitor this month and it left me nothing to pay for my storage fee.

That's all right. I can't shoot all my videos from the same location. I'm on good terms with the manager of my building right now and I'm sure he will permit me to set my gear up in the back yard for some outdoor 'concerts'. I have six songs in mind for this project and I won't be adding any more commercials to my videos until I receive money for the hundred or so of my videos that have already been monetized.

More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Thinking Ahead

Thinking Ahead
Could someone please check Europe and find out if anything funny is going on with my latest song post there? I have a sneaking suspicion about it. And could someone please translate my instructions to flag all posts that steal from me or contradict me into the language of every country that has access to my music? I'd really appreciate it.

Yup, show business is sure full of rotten, selfish performers with no creative talent. And they all want to get rich and famous by stealing my work, thanks to corporations like NBC and WEA and HBO and FOX and CBC showing them that they will gladly support their crimes against me.

I read one of my blogs last night and there were so many laughs in it that I couldn't get through it all. I hear that people download these posts ten at a time. They get a great kick out of them. Yes, you can't put a price on the way a well written song or poem or script makes you feel. Conversely, you can have all the money in the world, but if you feel unfulfilled, you're no better off than a pauper.

Am I alone in finding fault with our business leaders? Of course not. I am echoing the sentiments of most of my readers when I bash big business. It's strange how people let me do this for them and then leave me to face the punishing fallout from it alone. It's also depressing.

I heard an industry worker say to her friend a while ago that it 'felt good' to hurt me when the Crystalids were on the radio. That's because when my pure, warm humanity combines with broadcast technology, it turns broadcast signals into irresistible love beams. The love I put into my work was twisted like this to make people feel love from subjecting me to cruelty. It was perhaps the most diabolical experiment with mental association that has yet been contrived by the mass manipulators of the broadcast industry.

Seeing how people shuffle around in their broadcast induced trances makes me wonder if we even live our own lives anymore. Technology appears to have advanced to the point where it can live more satisfying lives for us through mediums like television. This might get us through the day, but when we come to the end of our lives, we can't really look back on anything solid. I'm glad I shun commercial broadcasts for that reason.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Mother Knows Best

Mother Knows Best
Don't be too hard on my mom for trying to steer me away from a career as an artist. She knew I was gifted but she didn't trust the world to pay me for it. When you look at how I am presently treated, she appears to have been absolutely right to discourage me from pursuing my art and music.

I watched a video last night called The Corporation 2, a series of interviews with leading activists. One of them was a former executive from a major corporation who thinks that capitalism needs a manifesto. His criticism of capitalism was too light. He called it 'amoral' when it is immoral. And while I must commend him for recognizing the poverty of purpose offered by a system solely focused on the accumulation of wealth, I found it hard to sit there and listen to him praise capitalism's 'virtues'. He said capitalism beat all the other 'isms'. That's merely because the fascists and the communists kicked the shit out of each other and left behind a destroyed continent for capitalists to exploit after World War Two. He said that capitalism creates enormous wealth. For who? One percent of the population? What about the rest of us? And what kind of millionaires is it creating? Beyonce with my hit song? Capitalism is evil. It fosters greed, dishonesty, and outright cruelty. Capitalism doesn't need a manifesto, it needs a heart. But if it had a heart, it would become something else.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Standing My Ground

Standing My Ground
I have a number of tunes like Under My Umbrella that I won't be singing. Since this song was clearly popular, I will be inviting a female vocalist to sing them as I accompany her on the guitar. I wouldn't expect anyone to be brave enough to face the spotlight with me right now, but once all this legal bullshit is out of the way and I'm free to perform, fans of my soft, acoustic songs can look forward to this alternative to my rock.

Don't worry about all the feeble arguments they're putting up to cling to whatever vestige of a decent image they think they still have. You just keep flagging any posts that steal from me or contradict me. I don't need to prove my position. The police wouldn't be on my side if I were lying.

This time is precisely as it was in late 2007 when I erased my online accounts. I was tricked into believing I was insignificant and the next day everyone on Earth was ripping off my erased posts. Don't let them trick you now the way they tricked me then.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

The Red Menace

The Red Menace
Voice: Sheila was a redhead who stood out, especially in the shipping department.

(A warehouse. A male forklift driver performs a daring maneuver.)

Driver: Hey, Sheila, look! (He crashes into a pile of cartons.)

Voice: Warehouse work was her bread and butter.

(A lunchroom.)

Male Worker #1: Sheila, do you want my bagel?

Male Worker #2: I'm sure she'd rather have this tasty doughnut. All for you, Sheila!

Male Worker #3: You guys have no class. Try some of this cheesecake, Sheila.

#1: No class? Well, I guess I don't need manners then! (He throws his soup in #3's face.)

#3: Why, you! (He charges #1 and a fight erupts.)

Sheila: (smiling) Boys! Boys!

Voice: But then the beautiful, red haired student, Deirdre, came looking for a summer job...

(A trucking dock. The supervisor walks Deirdre past a group of men surrounding Sheila. The men follow the couple, leaving Sheila alone and upset.)

Voice: ... putting Sheila's professionalism to the ultimate test.

(Sheila instructs Deirdre on how to operate the conveyor belt.)

Sheila: Now if you see orange sparks flying from the fuse box, don't worry about it. Just take this metal wrench in your bare hand and give it a good solid whack.

Voice: See how the sparks fly on the Red Menace, tonight on Monday Night at the Movies.
More Scripts Statements Songs
© 2007, 2014. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Real Slime

Real Slime
Jan 2016: After I shared this, someone invited Maher to play a show at the Queen E. Theatre here in Vancouver in November 2015.

Speaking of Bill Maher, how do you suppose George Carlin was able to take all my erased blogs and broadcast them on HBO? Who was working at HBO first and was able to help Carlin get a job there? The answer is Bill Maher. Here is just another mediocre talent who was threatened by the quality of my online posts and tried to destroy me at the first opportunity.

People like Maher have been quite vicious with what they have said about me on their shows. I stick to their crimes and speculate on the decadence of their lifestyles when I discuss them, but they go on the air and quite simply slander me. Who was he talking about when he said that some guy masturbates 'with a dildo up his ass'? I'm only asking because I heard a similar rumor spreading around town about me a couple years ago. Let me say now, for the record, that I could not fit a dildo up my ass with the space already taken up by him and his show. And did I say anything like that about any of my detractors before I learned that they were punished in prison?

Did you hear Maher during the writers' strike, boasting that the stars write their own shows? All the stars were doing was robbing my erased posts the whole time. Did you hear him talk about how his late friend George Carlin took his act more and more out of the mainstream as he approached his death? Yeah, breaking the law is definitely out of the mainstream.

This guy is supposed to supply an alternative voice and he doesn't see anything funny about what happened on 9/11. He thinks we're mad to doubt the official account.

I don't imagine I will ever be able to move forward until they clear Maher and everyone like him from my path. When I think of the years of my life he and his friends have already wasted, I can't help but grumble over how many more they still want to waste.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Broadcast into Hell

Broadcast into Hell
People wonder why the business won't help me when I am in a position to restore public trust in them. They don't actually need you to trust them to make money. They can simply force their will upon you with their giant transmitters. And that's all they've been doing in my case for the last four years since I re-posted Size and enough old blogs to get Tina's Fey's and George Strombopoulos's boyfriend kicked off Saturday Night Live.

They just shove their will right down your throat. You turn on your TV or your radio and they simply manipulate you with whatever subconscious programming serves their purposes. The business never wanted to help me, you see. They only wanted to destroy me. And the more popular I am online, the more they want to crush me. If you like me, you're actually betraying me every time you support one of their broadcasts.

Look at the horrors I've been reporting. And because of the influence of their broadcasts, people just step over my bleeding body. No Good Samaritans in this world, just Lost fans.

They expect this insult to drive me to suicide. That's what they want. That's the only way they know how to party, when I'm dead or dying. They've already proven it. But more than that, because of the huge following I have online, my suicide would give them endless material that they could use to make more money for themselves at my expense. The only way they want to make money from me is in a way that hurts me or kills me. It's quite outrageous that they are allowed to carry on so openly with such wicked designs.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.