Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Rupert Murdoch Is Nicer than NBC

Rupert Murdoch Is Nicer than NBC
Those were two excellently crafted works of humor and I truly wish I could share the whole thing. I'm proud of my work when I write it well and I naturally want to show my accomplishment. But it just isn't safe to do that here online. I'm going to take for granted that everyone knows how badly ripped off I was by networks like NBC and now I need to ask the people responsible for this network a few questions.

Why did you let Ellen Degeneres steal my work and lie about me? Why did you put her back on TV after she was caught and punished? Why did you do the same with Jay Leno? How many other of your comedy stars have you encouraged to steal my work and lie to the world about me? Why can't you cancel a crooked show when it is caught stealing? You think you're better than Rupert Murdoch ? Murdoch had the decency to cancel the Simpsons after twenty-three years over one single complaint from me. He is a better businessman than you jerks. He should be calling you Sauron with my ripped off blogs.

Are you thinking of your audience by leaving all these criminals on TV? Your stars are criminals. That doesn't help your audience, it hurts them. You hurt a lot of Saturday Night Live fans including myself (formerly). Or do you think fraud is funny? You think people want to make a joke out of when your rich, popular stars all gang up on a single man, no wife or children, separated from his relatives, no friends, no job, and take all his hard work, the only thing that he loves, at a time when people might be interested in paying him for it, and leave him dishonored to suffer endless torment caused by your criminal neglect of your responsibility to protect us all from crime at the hands of your trusted staff? Do you think dirty, stinking fraud and vicious liars who tell stories about an innocent man's penis so they can steal his music and rape his fans is funny, too? You must. That's why you needed to steal so much of my decent content. Your humor is tasteless.

Are you sure you are even aware of your viewership because I am not with them. And yet you seem to structure your entire programming schedule around attacking my reputation with jailbirds like Tina and Jay and Ellen. You don't give a shit about your viewers. You just want to destroy me. I guess you're the biggest frauds of all. No wonder you have such sympathy for your lying little helpers.

Thanks to you criminal assholes having so much influence on the public with your fucking corporate mind-control box, this honest, caring artist has had a Hell of a time trying to get his music off the ground. So why don't you give the poor fucker a break after seven years and let him play his fucking music before he dies of old age arguing his innocence? You won't succeed to do anything other than cause him to scream in pain all night in his room by trying to make him kill himself for your convenience. And his work is all going to the Church on his death. I just know they'll make proper use of it. That's not your church, by the way. We worship the hero of the Bible in my Church, not the loser.
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© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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