Sunday, May 25, 2014

More Carlin Deprogramming

More Carlin Deprogramming
I have two things on my mind today. The first is more of George Carlin's plagiarized stand-up and how it was used to manipulate your behavior. Remember when he said 'the game was rigged'? He was echoing an erased blog I wrote in 2006. Every word. Now, what was going on as he told you the game was rigged? First of all, he was committing fraud against you with my blog and practically stealing your money from you. Also, stars on the TV and radio were stealing my blogs and songs and making fools out of us with them. Networks made fools out of us and politicians made fools out of us. These creeps who steal my work get an express ticket to the top and I am left to starve and fight for my innocence against their ill gotten popularity. Sounds like a rigged game. Why are you trusting George Carlin to talk to you about it? He's one of the biggest offenders of all.

Trust me to tell you about the rigged game because I am its true victim. Do you know what it means when all these rich assholes can trample all over me? It means they can do the same to you. Do you want to be a writer? You better hope they don't think you're weak. That alone will give them the confidence to take your work and try to murder you with it. Do you want to be a musician? You better hope they don't think you're weak. And how are you going to impress them with your strength? Are you rich already? Are you wildly popular already? It doesn't leave you much hope to get ahead when they commit all this horrible crime to interfere with honest success and then leave the victim on his own to complain about it on the internet.
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© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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