Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Last Minute Thoughts

Last Minute Thoughts
Just a few last minute thoughts about my career and my mental health. I haven't been able to perform mostly because I haven't been able to practice. There were complaints in my building that drove me to the storage space. Then the staff heard complaints at the storage space, which I found surprising because it's quite large and usually deserted and I'm usually in and out in under half an hour. I try not to get insulted by these 'noise' complaints when I consider that these songs were played in stadiums to cheering crowds.

Another thing I try not get insulted by is how people on TV who steal my words get to keep their jobs, as if to tell everyone that what they did to me was okay. I thought it was illegal, but TV stars who ripped me off have been actively working to destroy me now for at least ten years. After they used everything I wrote to make me hated, I try not get insulted by how they now want their viewers to somehow fault me for it so I can go on being hated. I have faith in people that they have the good taste to support the author of a song over a thief and a phony. No one should be tricked into loving a phony.

I need to isolate myself now so that these continued assaults on my image and character can rise up and fail without me having to face any public reaction. They seem to be continuous, so all I can do is dig a hole in the ground and stay there until they eventually end.

With respect to my psychological condition, I appreciate the concern, but, you know, there were people on TV and the radio who thought they were me because they were singing my songs or saying my words. Isn't that psychotic?
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Monday, May 26, 2014

An Absurdity

Withheld Content/An Absurdity
(I am withholding my humorous content for this new entry until I can copyright it with the other withheld entries.)   
More Scripts Statements Songs
© 2007, 2014. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Some Genius

Some Genius
When George Carlin was lying to the world with my erased posts about the ten commandments, he was trying to champion an argument I initiated and then rejected out of personal experience. And when he said that he worshiped Joe Pesci in God's place, he was just stealing something I wrote as an atheist after watching the movie Goodfellas.

After lengthy thought and hard experience, I think we need more commandments, not less. I also think it is vain to worship anyone or anything that does not challenge your imagination. But intellectual growth alone didn't lead me to erase the posts he stole, I erased them because they're not that funny. So why did he take them?

He took them because they were popular. People like Carlin, who infest the performer's stage, don't care about anything except popularity. They don't care if they are helping anyone or making any positive changes to the world. They don't care if they lead their blind followers straight off the edge of a cliff. They only want to be popular.

The same is true of all the fools who stole my vlogs. These vlogs weren't that funny, they were just popular. If I would have stood in front of a camera and picked my nose for two minutes and erased it, they would have stolen it for themselves. Let me recall a few now: the vlog of me putting my drawing away and talking about brunettes as though I were David Berkowitz (I didn't trace that drawing.), the vlog of me discussing mental illness, the vlog of me discussing coping with poverty, the vlog of me explaining Aristotle's table of virtues and vices, the vlog of me going to the S.P.C.A. These things were all off the top of my head and do not do justice to my creative talent. They're just not that good.

The 'performers' who stole them suffer from an appalling lack of imagination and are as far away from true talent as is humanly possible. What did the TV and radio have you calling them again? Artists. Geniuses. Rebels. Now you know better and it's no damn thanks to your TV or your radio.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

More Carlin Deprogramming

More Carlin Deprogramming
I have two things on my mind today. The first is more of George Carlin's plagiarized stand-up and how it was used to manipulate your behavior. Remember when he said 'the game was rigged'? He was echoing an erased blog I wrote in 2006. Every word. Now, what was going on as he told you the game was rigged? First of all, he was committing fraud against you with my blog and practically stealing your money from you. Also, stars on the TV and radio were stealing my blogs and songs and making fools out of us with them. Networks made fools out of us and politicians made fools out of us. These creeps who steal my work get an express ticket to the top and I am left to starve and fight for my innocence against their ill gotten popularity. Sounds like a rigged game. Why are you trusting George Carlin to talk to you about it? He's one of the biggest offenders of all.

Trust me to tell you about the rigged game because I am its true victim. Do you know what it means when all these rich assholes can trample all over me? It means they can do the same to you. Do you want to be a writer? You better hope they don't think you're weak. That alone will give them the confidence to take your work and try to murder you with it. Do you want to be a musician? You better hope they don't think you're weak. And how are you going to impress them with your strength? Are you rich already? Are you wildly popular already? It doesn't leave you much hope to get ahead when they commit all this horrible crime to interfere with honest success and then leave the victim on his own to complain about it on the internet.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

The Unexpected

Withheld Content/The Unexpected
(I am withholding my humorous content for this new entry until I can copyright it with the other withheld entries.)   
More Scripts Statements Songs
© 2007, 2014. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Saturday, May 24, 2014


Withheld Content/Dialogue
Extra note: If it's safe for me to perform, why do I need to tell people that this blog does not consist of erased comedy entries but of new comedy entries withheld by their author? Sounds like more criminal interference. I won't hold my breath waiting for it to end.   
More Scripts Statements Songs
© 2007, 2014. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Friday, May 23, 2014

It's Not Funny

It's Not Funny
Lately I've been stumbling on a lot of very serious observations about our world which I believe I shared in 2006 and which George Carlin turned into a stand-up comedy routine. I recall criticizing the school system and saying that children should be taught to question everything. I wasn't saying it for a joke. I remember criticizing business people for being too suspicious, expecting others to share their predatory qualities. This makes an excuse for hurting others who might be innocent. It wasn't a joke. I recall complaining about how our political system fails to provide a solution for people like myself who may be conservative about some things, like crime control, and liberal about other things, like education. [Did I say prostitution? Big mistake to be funny online.] This was not meant as a joke. You know, just about every serious matter I raised in that account was turned into a stand-up routine for George Carlin and used to make audiences laugh.

I guess that as long as people want to laugh about the oppression of an irresponsible corporate and banking elite, they'll just continue on in a state of psychological enslavement. And now that I have exposed so many formerly trusted television personalities as liars and frauds and everyone - in my immediate environment, at least - seems to be siding with the offenders, I'm not going to comment on it. The crimes against me were fiendish. They were physically and spiritually murderous. A huge gang of rich celebrities all joining forces against a poor loner from Canada? Heartless. Unspeakable. Unforgivable. Not the slightest bit funny.

Why does anyone pity them? I hear some say that I hurt them. I hurt them? I went online to share music and laughs from my personal experience and my heart. They didn't enter into the picture until they started trespassing on my copyrights. Did it ever occur to people that maybe it was me they loved when these jerks went onstage with my work? I am in my work. My work is a living extension of my life. That let all these performers be me when they ripped me off. The love you thought you felt for them is just the love they stole from me. Don't let them confuse you.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.


Withheld Content/Wordplay/Satire
(I am withholding my humorous content for this new entry until I can copyright it with the other withheld entries.)   
More Scripts Statements Songs
© 2007, 2014. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Thursday, May 22, 2014


Withheld Content/Irony
More Scripts Statements Songs
© 2007, 2014. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Rupert Murdoch Is Nicer than NBC

Rupert Murdoch Is Nicer than NBC
Those were two excellently crafted works of humor and I truly wish I could share the whole thing. I'm proud of my work when I write it well and I naturally want to show my accomplishment. But it just isn't safe to do that here online. I'm going to take for granted that everyone knows how badly ripped off I was by networks like NBC and now I need to ask the people responsible for this network a few questions.

Why did you let Ellen Degeneres steal my work and lie about me? Why did you put her back on TV after she was caught and punished? Why did you do the same with Jay Leno? How many other of your comedy stars have you encouraged to steal my work and lie to the world about me? Why can't you cancel a crooked show when it is caught stealing? You think you're better than Rupert Murdoch ? Murdoch had the decency to cancel the Simpsons after twenty-three years over one single complaint from me. He is a better businessman than you jerks. He should be calling you Sauron with my ripped off blogs.

Are you thinking of your audience by leaving all these criminals on TV? Your stars are criminals. That doesn't help your audience, it hurts them. You hurt a lot of Saturday Night Live fans including myself (formerly). Or do you think fraud is funny? You think people want to make a joke out of when your rich, popular stars all gang up on a single man, no wife or children, separated from his relatives, no friends, no job, and take all his hard work, the only thing that he loves, at a time when people might be interested in paying him for it, and leave him dishonored to suffer endless torment caused by your criminal neglect of your responsibility to protect us all from crime at the hands of your trusted staff? Do you think dirty, stinking fraud and vicious liars who tell stories about an innocent man's penis so they can steal his music and rape his fans is funny, too? You must. That's why you needed to steal so much of my decent content. Your humor is tasteless.

Are you sure you are even aware of your viewership because I am not with them. And yet you seem to structure your entire programming schedule around attacking my reputation with jailbirds like Tina and Jay and Ellen. You don't give a shit about your viewers. You just want to destroy me. I guess you're the biggest frauds of all. No wonder you have such sympathy for your lying little helpers.

Thanks to you criminal assholes having so much influence on the public with your fucking corporate mind-control box, this honest, caring artist has had a Hell of a time trying to get his music off the ground. So why don't you give the poor fucker a break after seven years and let him play his fucking music before he dies of old age arguing his innocence? You won't succeed to do anything other than cause him to scream in pain all night in his room by trying to make him kill himself for your convenience. And his work is all going to the Church on his death. I just know they'll make proper use of it. That's not your church, by the way. We worship the hero of the Bible in my Church, not the loser.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.


Withheld Content/Dialogue
More Scripts Statements Songs
© 2007, 2014. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.


Withheld Content/Monologue
More Scripts Statements Songs
© 2007, 2014. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

A Humorous Critique of Modern Justice

Withheld Content/A Humorous Critique of Modern Justice
(Extra note:) Sorry, I can't afford to share this dialogue with you. It's funny. It's about what happens to an artist who criticizes the TV for being too focused on image and not concerned enough about content: the industry steals his content and uses it to destroy his image for seven years. Their stars, if caught, go to jail for one night and then are put back out in front of the cameras immediately so that their lies can continue to harm their victim. By dismissing their responsibility, they persist in insulting their viewers' intelligence. Anyway, if anyone's going to laugh at my hardships, I'd prefer to get the credit for it. Jay Leno didn't suffer the hate that gave rise to all those quips of mine that he illegally used in his monologues. And Ellen can fucking well go to Hell.   
More Scripts Statements Songs
© 2007, 2014. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

A Thoughtful Lampoon

Withheld Content/A Thoughtful Lampoon
(Extra note:) The comedy portion of this post is being withheld by the author until he can safely publish it together with his other unpublished new works. The author doesn't want the comedy portion of this fresh new entry to end up on television promoting the very people he wishes to criticize, as was the criminal case with most of his shared humor at the hands of jailbird employees of TV networks who get to keep their jobs after they commit fraud for seven years.   
More Scripts Statements Songs
© 2007, 2014. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

A Well Constructed, Well Aimed Quip

Withheld Content/A Well Constructed, Well Aimed Quip
(Extra note:) I think my lawyer absconded with my payout check for Tina's incarceration. This does not clear Tina of her guilt for robbing my erased online posts. Ellen Degeneres is a violator of my copyright and should not be allowed on TV any more. All the TV performers I listed in Good Repetitions are guilty of serious violations against my work and my image and probably have all gone to jail for fraud without informing you. I live alone, isolated, and I have received no visits from any police over my posts, which they know to be truthful. Now please kindly kick the shit out of anyone who contradicted the above.   
More Scripts Statements Songs
© 2007, 2014. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

A Note from the Author

A Note from the Author
If you are disappointed with the sparse content here, don't take it personally. For all you know, you've already seen it. But the industry people know precisely how much work they stole from me. They can use this blog to determine when I advance past the point that they already cashed in for themselves. I did it with my music and I'm sure I can do it with my writing, only this time I'll copyright my work by registered mail before I publish it.   
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

A Whimsical Farce

Withheld Content/A Whimsical Farce
(I am withholding my humorous content for this new entry until I can copyright it with the other withheld entries.)   
More Scripts Statements Songs
© 2007, 2014. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

A Meandering Lark

Withheld Content/A Meandering Lark
(I am withholding my humorous content for this new entry until I can copyright it with the other withheld entries.)   
More Scripts Statements Songs
© 2007, 2014. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

A Cartoon

Withheld Content/A Cartoon
(Extra Note: I could have drawn cartoons for all the scripts they stole. I didn't need two-dimensional comedians to act them out for me.)   
More Scripts Statements Songs
© 2007, 2014. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

A Delightful Romp

Withheld Content/A Delightful Romp
(I am withholding my humorous content for this new entry until I can copyright it with the other withheld entries.)   
More Scripts Statements Songs
© 2007, 2014. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

An Amusing Anecdote

Withheld Content/An Amusing Anecdote
(I am withholding my humorous content for this new entry until I can copyright it with the other withheld entries.)   
More Scripts Statements Songs
© 2007, 2014. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Extreme Hyperbole

Withheld Content/Extreme Hyperbole
(I am withholding my humorous content for this new entry until I can copyright it with the other withheld entries.)   
More Scripts Statements Songs
© 2007, 2014. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Righteous Comical Irreverence

Withheld Content/Righteous Comical Irreverence
(I am withholding my humorous content for this new entry until I can copyright it with the other withheld entries.)   
More Scripts Statements Songs
© 2007, 2014. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Artful Wordplay

Withheld Content/Artful Wordplay
(I am withholding my humorous content for this new entry until I can copyright it with the other withheld entries.)   
More Scripts Statements Songs
© 2007, 2014. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Monday, May 12, 2014

A Note from the Author

A Note from the Author
Fourteen fresh new scripts in only three days. Prolific. These seem to come to me much faster on the way to writing other, more serious works.   
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.


Withheld Content/Monologue
(I am withholding my humorous content for this new entry until I can copyright it with the other withheld entries.)   
More Scripts Statements Songs
© 2007, 2014. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.